Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Little Boy

Dear Mason,

You are such a precious little spirit and a joy to be in our home. It feels like you have always been a part of our family. We love you so much.

Here you are ready to come home from the hospital. You weighed 6 pounds 6oz. the day we left.
At 2 weeks you were 6 lbs. 11 oz, not quite up to your birth weight.
I wish you could always stay so small, my little baby.
I shed a few tears when you turned one week old, and then two and three.

Your sisters were not sure what to think of you at first, but they have grown to love you so much and love to hold you and touch your head and face.

They make you look so small, and you make them look big. Too big.

You love: music, getting a bath, taking naps with mom, being outside, your swing, and most of all being wrapped up tight and snuggling with mom, dad, or sisters. I can't get enough holding and snuggling with you.

I was so grateful that your Grandma Amy was able to come take care of us for a couple weeks and we all miss her so much. She did so much for us and took your sisters to do so many fun things. But you have been such a good sport as I have had to get back in the swing of things since your older sisters are always on the go.

You have already had your first trip to the zoo, the library, shopping, parks and walks.

I was also grateful that you were already able to meet your other Uncle Jared and your Grandpa when they came out to visit for my birthday and Mother's day. It made the day really special for me.

Mason, we have received so much help from our friends out here during this special time and I have been so grateful and overwhelmed with the sincere love that has been shown to us by our friends and neighbors. Your birth will always be a special thing to remember because of where we were and the people we knew at this time in our lives.

Thank you for bringing so much joy, we love you.

Love, Your Mom


Sarah South said...

How sweet, Carrie! He is beautiful! I am amazed that you have been able to do all of those things already!!

Lucy Bowman said...

He is precious Carrie! Your girls are getting big too!

Trevor and Tara Wilde said...

Soooo cute! Congratulations! Your little family is growing! We hope you are all doing well!

Whitney & Charlie said...

He is so cute! And you're right, your girls are looking alot bigger now! Wish you guys were closer so we could meet him! And Allie would Love to play with your girls!

Me and My Boys said...

I was just wondering about you guys and thinking, I wonder if they have another little guy! Congratulations! He is a doll! Glad you got so much help, hope you are doing well!

Lori Knobel said...

Such a sweet post... He is adorable and absolutely precious!

Peterson Family said...

Congrats!! He is so precious! Glad he's here healthy and strong!

vandi said...

oh Carrie....he's honestly so precious that he made me want to cry: ) What a sweet little guy. I'm so glad you guys are doing well! We miss seeing you though: )