We have been here in Greeley, Colorado for about a month now and it has been crazy and busy but we have also had fun exploring new things and meeting new people.
All packed and ready to go! We had to get a picture of the truck. Each time we have moved our truck just keeps getting bigger. This time we got the biggest truck possible and we were still stuffing things in the car and the van. It was a close fit!
A family of 6 = tons of stuff.
Our new Home!
The process of buying a home is crazy! Wow, what a learning experience. We came to Colorado in April to find something to rent and everything was either super expensive or in a part of town that I would not have been comfortable living in. So we decided to buy and I am so grateful that everything worked out. We didn't get our first choice home, but we have loved this one. It is perfect for our family for the next 3 years.
And we love it. We love all the room and the yard and the garage and the basement. It has been great!
People in our ward, our neighbors, and the other residents that are here have all been really nice and welcoming. That first week we got here it was hard to unpack stuff because 5 out of the 7 days we were invited to go and do something with someone or invited to someone's house. But I am not complaining, I would so much rather play than unpack.
This is a fun lake close by that we like to go to.
At the Rodeo.
The kids love rodeos so thanks to the Hospital for the tickets!
Trying on hats.
We might have to get some cowboy hats to fit in round these parts. I think we might have been the only ones not wearing hats.
We had fun watching kids riding the sheep and seeing how long they could stay on. Katelyn and Mason decided that they wanted to try! Mason was too little and so was very disappointed. Katelyn did pretty good and I was proud of Katelyn for trying and being brave.
Kylie was so against it but a few days later she told me she wanted to try it next year. I asked her what made her change her mind and it was because her tooth had just fallen out. She was scared to ride the sheep with a loose tooth just in case she lost it.
Tyson loving the animals
Troy is really loving his new, out of school, real life, job.
We don't get to see this guy around much though and we kind of miss him. Since we have been here we have probably been able to eat dinner with him maybe twice.
But that does give us a good excuse to go see him at the hospital.
And to get yummy free food.
Haha, the girl in the background staring at us is the story of my life now that we are out of Idaho again. Just like in Iowa, people think you are crazy if you have more than 2 kids! I get some crazy comments, some that are rude, and some that are very nice, but I always get comments, everywhere I go. The two main questions are: "Are these kids all yours?" and "How old are you?"
And yep, not a minute after I took this picture, this girl came and asked me those questions!
I really don't mind it though. I am proud of my kids and I just usually tell people that yep, they are mine and we aren't even done.
The people that lived here before didn't take very good care of their yard so we have been working really hard. Pulling weeds, picking up rocks, and getting some dirt ready to plant grass. And making the grass that we have look good. It was pretty sad when Troy first got here. Most of our yard is grass but we have a little area that had a ton of rocks, so we are in the process of changing that!
Here is my blister.
And I even wore gloves.
The kids have been great helpers with everything. The week before this all three of them spent 2 1/2 hours painting a wall for me.
And of course they get lots of playing done.
The owners before us left this swing set. Awesome for us! Tyson could live in the swing. Really. We put him in there and work in the yard and occasionally one of the girls will go push him. And he is completely happy with his life. 
We love our swimming pool since it has been so hot!
Homemade snow cones. Since Colorado has obviously never heard of them.
This kid is a goof ball. He loves to make us laugh. He does something silly and then looks at us to make sure we are all laughing at him. He is so much fun and such a sweet heart.
I love this picture because it is the usual look for him these summer days. After watching his siblings wear these goggles in the pool he thinks they are the coolest thing ever and likes to wear them on his head like this whenever they are not being used by his sisters. He also has marker on his face, dirt on his clothes, he his playing with water and rocks, and has a car in his hand. Always a car in the hand. This pretty much sums up his life.
Dance party before bed. These have become a frequent thing and Tyson loves it. He gets so into it and when I finally make everyone stop and go to bed he cries and is so sad.
Tyson is following in his brothers foot steps by becoming a super hero lover as well.
He loves to wear this. And is trying to do the spider man web shooting thing.
so fun to have a house!! I can't believe you guys are in colorado now!! The kids are getting sooo big, and so cute! I miss you!
OH. MY. GOSH. #1: Your house is GORGEOUS! I'm glad you are loving it. #2: I miss your kids a ridiculous amount. #3: I'm sorry you're still getting the "are these ALL yours?" question. I know how that feels and it's rather annoying. #4: You guys are the cutest and we MISS YOU!!
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